1515 Aurora Dr., San Leandro

$ 29.88 - 53.04
1515 Aurora Dr, San Leandro, CA 94577-3105
$ 29.88 - 53.04
PROPERTY OVERVIEW Located in San Leandro, CA, Aurora offers a wide range of unique & flexible private suite and space solutions to fit the needs of any business at any stage of growth. Our community includes a diverse mix of start-ups, tech companies, independent professionals & consultants, lifestyle brands, and small-to-mid-sized businesses across many other verticals who all innovate on their own time, in their own lane. Security System Signage Natural Light Air Conditioning
  • Square Footage: 2,450 SF
  • Term: Negotiable
  • Lease Rate: $29.88 - 53.04
This is not a Starboard Listing, Interested? Contact: 415-765-6900