Exterior Remodeling Projects for a Retail Space That Improve Foot Traffic
Dec 13, 2021
If you own a physical retail store, getting people in the door can be one of the most challenging aspects of your job. As e-commerce’s prevalence rises and social distancing looms, your ability to improve foot traffic is becoming increasingly important.
In these tough times, it’s vital to entice customers to come inside your shop. But what can you do to bring more shoppers through the door?
Thankfully, there are several exterior remodeling projects and quick renovations that can help improve foot traffic for your retail space.
Let’s take a look at six of them.
Project #1: Redo the Parking Lot
If you don’t live in a walking city, then people likely drive to your store. If your parking lot is chaotic, hard to park in, or unsafe – it’s going to be uninviting. Take some time to determine if you have the right lot size, if the parking angle is convenient, if there’s enough walking room, and if the parking lot feels safe.
Take time to make repairs to potholes and readjust your parking lot if necessary. The retail world is highly competitive, and if people have issues driving and parking in your lot, then they might avoid your shop altogether.
Project #2: Repaint and Polish
Has your retail store lost its vibrancy? Maybe it’s time for a fresh coat of paint. Take the time to repaint and make the exterior look up to date. Repaint the walls, exterior door trim, and window trims.
If any other part of your storefront is in disrepair, take the time to repair it. Add a new roof, put in new windows, or replace that creaky door. If possible, do some landscaping and add some foliage. Adding some paint and polish can go a long way towards making your store feel more welcoming to potential shoppers.
Project #3: Revamp Your Signage
Stellar signage is one of the most critical components to boosting foot traffic. How does your signage look? Your exterior signage must match your brand inside the store. It’s also wise to consider changing up the signage to promote sales or different seasons.
Many retail shops have a lot of luck with digital signage. Other stores have success with chalkboards that they can change out as needed. Take time to make sure that your exterior signage is vibrant, inviting, and matches your brand.
Project #4: Add Architectural Intrigue
If you’re in a shopping center or on a street of buildings that all look similar, it’s essential to find ways to make your shop stand out from the norm. You can do this with signage and exciting color choices, but you can also add additional intrigue with architectural elements.
Consider adding metallic grilles, an interestingly shaped door, a metal modern art piece, stained glass windows, ornate columns or other unique elements to your shop that immediately pull attention and make people want to see what’s inside.
Project #5: Create a Picture-Worthy Moment
If you can create a picture-worthy moment with your store’s exterior, you increase the likelihood that people will want to come inside. Everyone’s looking for that perfect, Instagram-worthy picture, and you can provide that with your retail space.
Consider creating a beautiful window display or adding an artistic mural to your exterior wall. Add a bench outside your store with perfectly chosen décor to encourage picture-takers to stop. Get creative and think about ways to incorporate Instagram-worthy picture settings to your store’s exterior. As a bonus, add these moments inside the store, too.
Project #6: Increase Accessibility
Way too many stores aren’t disabled or elderly-friendly. By neglecting to provide accessibility features, you could be losing out on tons of potential foot traffic. Make sure to have ramps and wide rows in and outside your shop. Add handrails and sitting places outside and throughout your store. Ensure the lighting is up to par.
Making these small accessibility upgrades can open a huge window of potential customers for you.
These six exterior remodeling projects are fantastic ways to increase your organic foot traffic. When used in tandem with online marketing and events, you can take your store from empty to bustling in no time.
Start making these improvements today, and watch your foot traffic increase.
Written by: Matt Lee
Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.
Written by: Hans Hansson [email protected]Hans Hansson is President of Starboard Commercial Real Estate. Hans has been an active broker for over 35 years in the San Francisco Bay Area and specializes in office leasing and investments. If you have any questions or comments please email [email protected] or call him at (415) 765-6897. You may also check out his website, https://www.hanshansson.com