149 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco

$ 38.54 - 47.10 (Est.)
149 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
$ 38.54 - 47.10 (Est.)
About the Property Today, businesses need to be flexible and fast moving. At Werqwise, we are changing the way the world works by approaching workspace unconventionally. It’s not just about the space, it’s about the people and the way they work. Environmental psychology drives our designs and allows us to positively impact businesses by putting people at the center of what we do. We create innovative environments that embrace different business models, different brands and different ways of ways of working. Our members are able to focus on what’s important to them because we focus on and understand their business needs. They decide the best type of environment for them to thrive in. Whether it be at their desk, a quiet place to focus or a more interactive area to collaborate, they feel comfortable and confident doing their best work. Our solutions are designed to to fit each member company’s unique needs. It’s what we call werqing wisely.
  • Square Footage: 65,990 SF
  • Term: Negotiable
  • Lease Rate: $38.54 - 47.10 (Est.)


  • Completely renovated space! Vintage and industrial feel with modern features and amenities makes this the perfect office!
This is not a Starboard Listing, Interested? Contact: 415-765-6900